Did you know that just 10 minutes of reading a day will change your child’s life?
While that may seem like a big statement to make, numerous studies have consistently shown that 10 minutes exposure to reading materials each day is all it takes to positively shape your child’s future. And this doesn’t just include complicated educational texts— any reading materials, be it comic books, novels, picture books, recipes, the television guide or the back of food packets, all count towards your child’s daily reading goal. Reading any of these materials for 10 minutes a day exposes your child to more than 600,000 words in one year—interestingly, that’s more than double the word exposure of a child who only reads for 5 minutes or less each day.
Жүжигчин Rami Malek https://youtu.be/a9K-sAKdk2Y
Жүжигчин Michelle Yeoh https://youtu.be/8bpXikqUvXw
Америкийн жүжигчин Sarah Silverman https://youtu.be/cutROw_NJvE
Nerissa Warner
Hanna Quaintance
Jonathan Coffey
дуучин Дөлгөөн буюу Magnolian
Nerissa Warner-O'Neill
JADE NIPP, Teacher of Science / Deputy Head of Secondary
Mr Jonathan Warner, Head of BSU
Mark Reed, head of Secondary School